Blackjack basic strategy

The tables in this section present the basic strategy to use in different casinos, in order to minimize the possible benefit of banking Blackjack.

Consider a glossary of terms used in Blackjack:

Hit: To request another card.
Stand: Stop, stay with the cards you have.
Double: Double the bet. Then it will be distributed one letter.
Split: This option applies when you have a pair. The split can play each separately. For example, if you bet $ 5, you receive makes a 3-3 split, each 3 will receive one additional card and will need its own $ 5 bet. Then you must play this hand as if it were a normal hand.
Surrender: Quit. Some casinos allow leaving a hand, half their initial bet. Therefore, it limits your losses but ensures that lose half your bet on the hand.
Soft: A soft is a hand that contains an ace and can take 2 possible values.
“T” means Ten and represents all the letters in which the value in Blackjack is 10 (10, jack, queen, king).

How to read the tables

The column on the left represents your hand.
The first line in the top of the table represents the hand shown by the Bank.
Then you should choose the decision that is in the intersection of line and column. An example, if I have 15 and the dealer a 4, have to stop.

As with certain situations are more complex, as they may take a value of 1 or 11. Here are some explanations.

Here, if A7 receipt (for a total of 8 or 18), the actions to be taken are clear enough (double if the dealer has between 2 and 6, 7 and 8 stop over and take another card for 9-10-A) .

As another example, if I receive A2 (worth 3 or 13), it is necessary to take another card and if you get a 5, then 8 or 18. We have to treat each situation “have X or X + 10” by checking the row of As correspondent in the table.

Blackjack history

Blackjack is one of the most widespread games in both land and online casinos table. To better understand what to do to become a great blackjack player, we stack to take a look at your history and evolution as a game and how it has maintained its status as favorite game popular casino today online gaming and the experience of the players on multiple platforms.

It is believed to have originated in France, in casinos around 1700, derived directly from popular card game originally called ‘Vingt-et-un’, which translates literally as 21. In the following years, several versions of the game came to light throughout Europe, especially the Spanish version requiring players to get ’31’ using a combination of 3 cards.

The game managed to expand into North America in the s. XIX following the great European migration to America, and was introduced in Las Vegas, Nevada, where gambling is legalized after a while, and managed to change the fate of the new casino industry.

Although there became instantly popular, the game evolved and became an attractive offer for players with casinos offering various bonuses and payments based on combinations of letters difficult to achieve, especially blackjack (21), achieved with the Ace of spades. This was getting payments from 10-1 for the lucky player and was the true origin of the name of the game.

Evolution of the game

The game continued to evolve continuously, maintaining its roots while offering enough variations to keep players interested and saw the next major evolution of the game came at the hands not of casino operators, but the players themselves.

It was during the 60s when the player got a serious lead as a mathematician named Edward Thorp wrote a book called “Beat the Dealer” in which he published a proven to beat the dealer using a very aggressive form of card counting system. This automatically caused consternation among the suppliers of casinos and then forced them to adapt their offer quickly, implementing various measures to counter this technique. This included the introduction of multiple decks of cards that could be used at the same time during the game, systems and later automatic shuffling sophisticated video cameras. Although some of the security measures that were put in place to stop counting cards have been giving over time, most still they exist in terrestrial casinos.

So, with its various incarnations and its rich and illustrious history, it is easy to see what makes this game so attractive to players. The game format remains true to himself, but continues to evolve through the introduction of numerous online gaming sites that offer generous bonuses in combination with large payments, opening new avenues and revolutionizing the game while his spirit and his original appeal remains .

Do you like this story? If he’s interested, do not stop there. Choose another interesting article from the list below.

Blackjack Myths and Legends

Blackjack is without doubt one of the most famous casino games of all time and this is reinforced by its repeated appearance in popular culture over the years. Countless books, magazines, television shows and movies have included blackjack as part of its history for good reason. Its popularity is due in part to the myths and legends that have surrounded this game since its inception, some contributing positively to the culture and gaming experience, but also others with a negative impact, especially when novice blackjack players take them for the bible of the game.

We know that this issue will always be of interest to our readers, so here Games, we’ll take a look at the 4 most popular myths and legends surrounding the famous casino game of blackjack.

The position we sat can be an advantage

When we play blackjack, the dealer sat around one of the seven seats available. The most common myth is that for convenience, we sit at the head of the table. If this were true, then the casinos have invented a ruler to ensure that it was not possible to get advantage of this. The only way in which we were seated position can be of some benefit is when we use the technique of front loading (front loading) to try to see the dealer’s down card. Note that if it were possible to achieve this, you would be very lucky, because it is extremely rare that a dealer let us do this for his mistake.

It’s bad luck to use a new deck

Recently we heard a story in which a player complained to management’s because the dealer had used a completely new deck of cards during the game. The player directly attributed to this action, the responsibility for his winning streak ended abruptly results. It is a strange complaint can classify quietly as “S” irrational superstition. After some analysis, we found that it was not just an isolated case, but also one of the most common excuses you hear when a player starts losing.

The method of martingale is 100% safe

The method of martingale is a betting system used by players of roulette and blackjack can be applied. It supposed to double the bet every time a hand is lost so that eventually when you win, you can recover the losses plus a small profit. The problem with this method is that it is very likely we will not see the same results consistently, so that the only long-term winner, is actually the casino itself.

Counting cards is illegal

Contrary to what is generally thought, counting cards is not really illegal, but casino operators do their best to stop and is explicitly prohibited by the casinos even though there is no law against it. One of the most effective systems to combat it has always been the not disprove the myth that it is illegal. Today, in casinos around the world, there are still individuals throwing to the wind alarms and trying to letters even if it is a prohibited activity and others who openly discussed the fact. Just remember that if you get caught counting cards, sure to prohibit the entrance to the casino for the rest of his life.

Blackjack player

Blackjack attracts a certain category of players

Those who regularly frequent the casino floors. There are also players who never tire of a good game of dice, and others who will take your portfolio to try one last time on the slot machines. Let’s say there are a variety of styles, attitudes and players having fun in physical stores today. But what about Blackjack, this card game that has always been taken to the cinema and television. The answer in this article?

The player ‘dela Hall Fame “

Some professional players have forever marked the history of Blackjack. These are not movie stars or famous singers: Blackjack card game par excellence, also has its “Hall of Fame” pantheon of the best players. Players crowned every year, are adept at highlighting the Blackjack, but also contribute culturally. The first category of player that we often encounter, the players are simply interested in the history and culture of Blackjack in general, so players are called “Hall of Fame”.

The statesman player

A bit like the “Father of Blackjack”, Edward O. Thorp, the player statesman is a recurring figure in the big races. The latter has a great mind for math, and is an expert in card counting. It has an excellent memory and like figures in all aspects. The player is very good at calculating the odds, but is also able to invent their own game systems and apply it. Then, we must be wary of this category of players.

The bold player

Daring players are generally the most feared. They play with dynamism and determination and never seem fragile. They are not afraid to make big bets and love to provoke their opponents. They are certainly players who enjoy blackjack passion. However, they are aware of the risks that can sometimes cause them to lose the game.

The observant player

With an unconventional technique, the player simply look observer without betting the table and calculate the odds. Once the latter is favorable, the player obsevador takes the initiative to participate in the game and eventually place their bets. However, increasingly we find these players, since the casinos have introduced regulations to eliminate this technique that prohibits “spectators” players considered disrespectful and dirty in the game.

Blackjack Rules

A game of Blackjack is played between the dealer and the other players. For each player, the goal is to get a point total higher than the dealer without exceeding 21 points. From the player exceeds 21, he loses his initial bet. Unlike most other casino games, blackjack gives the player the ability to influence the course of the game. In fact, the player can use some options but also vary your game and your bets.

Value of the cards in Blackjack
Value of the cards:

The value of a card varies between 2 and 10, it is indicated in the letter. A figure is worth 10 points.

The Ace is worth 1 or 11, depending on the value that gives the player.

The best possible hand is the ace plus a 10 figure or give you a blackjack in 2 cards for a total of 21 points.

In case of Blackjack, you win one and a half straight bet.

Betting on the Blackjack
Development of the game:

Before each hand, players place their bets.

The dealer deals one card face up to each player and one card face down to himself. Then delivers a second visible to all letter and each of the players.

Afterwards, ask each player at the table beginning with the left. Each player tells you if you want more cards. You can order as many cards as you wish.

Once all players are served, the dealer serves himself, strip charts so that total less than 17. If the dealer makes a total of more than 21 points, all remaining players win. If done between 17 and 21, all players who have a total higher than the dealer’s win.

If a player is on par with the dealer gets his bet.

If you are not sure to master all the rules, you can practice free money at the Rome Casino.

After distributing the first cards, various options are offered to players:

If the dealer’s first card is an Ace, a player has the possibility to insure against the dealer’s Blackjack, paying half their initial bet. If the dealer makes Blackjack, the player loses his bet but having paid insurance, then the profit was 0. If the dealer does not make Blackjack there are two possible situations: first, the player wins. Lose your insurance but earn the equivalent of your initial bet, ie net profit of 1/2 of its initial bet. Second, if the player loses. Lose your insurance as your bet, that is, a loss of 1.5 times the initial bet.

The split

When a player gets two cards of the same value, you can separate these two cards to play two hands. To do this, you must re-add an initial bet. Once separated hands, the player plays each hand individually. If you win both hands, then you win 2 times your initial bet. If the player loses a hand, he does not win but not lose anything. Finally, if both hands lose, you lose twice at once.

A special rule relating to split two aces: to separate two aces, a player can only receive one card per table.


After receiving two cards, the player can choose to double your bet on the condition only receive a letter later..

Blackjack strategy guides to help BIG WIN

Welcome to our blackjack strategy. Our team of experts in blackjack has put together a series of strategy guides to help you get ahead of your competitors. Learn to master this popular casino game and may one day see his name alongside those of other famous legends of the hall of fame of blackjack.

So, whether online plays like it does on land casinos, the following paragraphs are devoted to strategies you can use when playing blackjack to improve your overall game and win more money. We hope you enjoy reading them.

The basic strategic guidance

The basic strategy, as its name implies is the first strategic guide with which you should become familiar because it serves as a foundation for all others. The importance of this strategy is that even after the first few hands, you feel like you’re in control of the game. It takes some getting used to all possible combinations of letters, but once you become familiar with them, will become your guide to blackjack. Something you can not stop reading.

Divided, Bending, Surrendering

In blackjack there are some special moves that can be made during the game. Among them it is “broken, bent and surrender.” We’ll see in more detail because it is very important to know under what circumstances and to what extent can use. Are you ready to improve your game and take your experience to the next level blackjack? Read and learn all about these big plays with our exclusive guide.

Buying insurance

When playing blackjack have the opportunity to choose a “safe” in case the dealer has an ace up its sleeve that could lead to a Natural Blakjack. If you want to avoid this, you can protect this natural blackjack by placing a bet on the table as to whether or not the dealer will get a blackjack. We do questions, we analyze numbers for you and play ball with our guide to take insurance in blackjack.

Martingale strategy

Throughout history there have been countless blackjack systems designed to beat the house that claim as 100% reliable. One such method is betting martingale strategy. In this guide we look at the martingale strategy and dissect several elements to see if it really is as bombproof as he claims to be, or is just a reckless exercise. Discover our opinion on the martingale system with our complete guide.

Strategies have no secrets for you, so we can move on to other issues complementary to become even better at blackjack.

Blackjack strategy: see, double, leave

There are three recurring actions in Blackjack: see a complete form other hand, doubling the value of the hand through the distribution of a new card, or leaves to reduce losses.


Things to see and understand that the player has two cards of the same value and you want to separate to form two specific hands. The player then makes an additional bet and the dealer dealt a new card, you can put on the hand he wants. This technique is interesting when the player has a hand composite output only in pairs. When couples separate, you can create an additional hand and increase your chances of winning. This procedure can show effective if couples 6, 7 or 8. In this way, if you have a pair of 9 or 10, avoid tempting fate. See a pair of aces is also an interesting process.


“Fold” means that the player proceeds to buy a new card. You’ll need to make an additional bet. If the player has a hand with 3 and 7, carrying a total of 10 points. By betting an additional amount, the player shows the dealer who intends to “double”. If the card dealt is found to be a lady, the player will thereafter 20 points, which is a good move. However, note that this procedure is interesting when the player totals 10 and even 11 points as the dealer’s visible card is weak (less than 6).


“Leave” means the player makes the decision to lose half their initial bet and not to see the dealer’s hole card. If the player takes a hand whose value is 15 points and the dealer has a jack (hidden letter has not yet been disclosed), the player stands to lose but your hand is strong enough. It is better in this case leave. Thus limiting their losses by accepting leave half of the amount wagered on the bench. “Quit” is effective when the player already has a hand whose value is quite strong: it is the right solution for you to preserve something even a little of your budget.

Blackjack: Glossary of Terms

When we enter a casino, one of the most frightening experiences during our stay in it it is to learn the jargon associated with all the different games, and this is especially true in the case of blackjack. guides you in this dangerous environment casino: it is appropriate to provide teaching jargon necessary to feel comfortable in the casino tools. So whether you want to just survive, as if he plans to win big, we have the solution to all your needs jargon and language games, and no longer need a degree in languages to decipher. Yes, you’ve guessed it, we bring a glossary of terms for blackjack.

Anchor – is the player to the left of the dealer in a board game.

Capital – The amount of money the player has to play.

Back-count – is someone who sits behind a card table for against the cards during the game and pass this information to someone who is playing at the table.

Spend – When the combined total value of your cards exceeds 21 points.

Burnt Letter – The first letter that the dealer draws the shoe after shuffling during a game of cards. Usually these cards are not shown by the dealer.

Card Counting – The counting method and remember the cards that have been played to guess the cards remaining in the deck.

Complementary or Comp – This term refers to bonds that terrestrial and online casinos available to players.

Accountant – A person counting cards.

Dealer – English term for the dealer.

Cast – The act of being dealt a new one letter.

Figures – A term used to describe the Jacks, Queens and Kings of any suit.

Upside Down – This term refers to a card dealt and no one can see its value except the player who has been dealt.

First Base – The player to the left of the dealer in a board game.

Flat Bet – The action of playing hand after hand without changing the value of the bet.

Front loading – of attempting to see the letter that the dealer is handing leaning from the middle seat at a blackjack table strategy.

Great Gorilla Player or GBP – This refers to the player who is supported by someone outside the game to count cards and tell them when to bet.

Face to Face – A game in which you play only against the dealer face to face.

Percentage of the House – Interest runs the casino.

Natural Blackjack – This term is used when the first two cards a player receives total 21 points.

Couple – This term is used when the player’s first two cards are identical.

Mix Pro – Action by the dealer to shuffle the remaining cards when there is a possibility that they are too favorable for the players.

Draw – A term used when the game ends in a tie between the dealer and players. All bets are returned at this point.

Shoe – This term refers to the case where the decks of cards are stored. The system allows the dealer to deal the cards one at a time.

Stand – The action to refuse an additional card.

Say – In blackjack, it refers to the act of observing the gestures and expressions of the dealer to get information about your hand.

Up Card – This is the first dealer’s card that is dealt face up so that everyone can see it.

Whale – Refers to the player at the table who bet large sums of money.

Choosing the best site on the blackjack table

There are many strategies that allow players to maximize their chances of winning at blackjack. Unfortunately, these strategies are often too complicated to master and require countless hours of practice. According to some players, the overall strategy is not based only in the art of counting cards, but many affect the position at the blackjack table can greatly influence their chances of beating the dealer. Examine the possibilities and see if there really is an advantage to choosing certain places in the table or is just another of the many myths and legends about blackjack.

¿Superstition or tactical advantage?

Blackjack is played on a table with 7 sites. Some players avoid the position just before the dealer, the seat leftmost table, known as “third base”. Believe it or not, some players believe that this site is responsible for the cards that takes the dealer, and thus influence the chances to win the whole table. Is not this starting to sound a bit superstitious?

Many players recommend sitting directly in the middle of the blackjack table. On this site there may be an advantage because players can abuse the charging method, a tactic of foreshortening in the table to see the dealer’s hole card when placed under the open letter. Other players prefer to use the first and third base, the seats furthest to the left and right of the dealer, when using the tactic of front loading (front loading) as they think they can get the same result from different angles less risk that nobody notices that he’s doing.
Is there really best?

Examining the first tactic in which players avoid third base more closely, we can reason that it is not based on any strategy or tangible evidence, but only on pure superstition. Obviously, a player is not liable for any letter that takes the dealer and of course we can not influence if the table completely win or lose. The cards are dealt from the shoe after being shuffled, so the order in which they are distributed is based purely on chance.

There is a real element associated with the second seat tactic, which allows players to use the method of the front loading. The position front or either side of the dealer can help you see the letter distributed by the dealer and increase the chances of success if it makes a mistake in handling their cards, but believe us when we say it is an extremely rare occurrence and not something that can be used as a safe and consistent strategy.

Hopefully from here, you remove the same conclusion as us, that the best position in the blackjack table are only based on theories or superstitious totally inconsistent strategies myth and that there is no real advantage in the position we We sit at the blackjack table. Whatever you do, do not expect this assumption best place or place of luck you need to win when you play blackjack, our best advice is to have a simple and good strategy, pray to have a little luck on your side and go to the mess .

Now that we’ve helped solve the mystery of what is the best site on the blackjack table, take the time to read another of our exciting blackjack articles from the following.

Exclusive Interview: A word from our expert

We know how important it is for people who study and play casino games, getting views on different aspects of the games when they come from specialists in the field. Here Games, we understand how valuable it can be for new players, so we give the floor to our expert blackjack to enable peer into the world of professional blackjack. Whose is it? What led you to this passion? No more waiting, read and discover the truth about our expert.

Who are you and what best defines you?

I guess what I first defines my passion for blackjack. To answer your question honestly I say I’m a fan of blackjack and that after hard work and many hours of training and playing, I became a professional player who now has the opportunity to live your dream.

How did you discover your passion for blackjack?

Like many fans, my love of blackjack came from my family, especially my father. He was the proud owner of a small casino in Manchester, England. On Tuesday afternoon, instead of playing football or get into trouble like the rest of my friends, I spent hours exploring the casino, watching the players and dealers and learning more about the different games that are offered in the tables. The blackjack quickly became my favorite game. Although my father never allowed me to sit at a blackjack table when the casino was open because of my young age, when the casino closed its doors, the dealers and sometimes my father taught me the basics of this beautiful game is blackjack. With its s teachings and advice quickly I became a good player and when I was old, I felt I was ready to face the most prestigious dealers in the world.

What is your best memory of your career?

I have many … but I think the best is my trip to Macau in China. If you’re a gambler and Macao do not know, I encourage you to go. Now I choose the Grand Lisboa casino as my first experience in the Asian blackjack. This casino has the advantage of offering the highest limits in the country and with respect to profits, say only that did not disappoint me what I got from that trip. I used the money I earned to go to other casinos to great success in Singapore and other countries. The really amazing when you play away is that you meet other enthusiasts from around the world which can learn a lot, since everyone lives their passion in a different way.

You are a successful player, what is it that keeps you motivated?

Overcome many stereotypes in blackjack and I guess to offer my experience as a professional player to lovers of this game. I hate when some players negatively influence other players with bad strategies that are not working. I try to offer a positive approach to the game. My best advice is to remember that Rome was not built in a day, so you have to put in many hours trying to master the strategies used by professional players and to be truly successful we must have patience, passion and above all, perseverance.

FAQ about blackjack

In this article you will find a selection of frequently asked questions that blackjack players are made for this game. These questions are as good for blackjack in land-based casinos to online casinos.

Where the position called “third base” in a game table is located and what are its benefits?

“Third base” indicates the seat to the left of the dealer. This is the last player to make a decision in one hand during a game at a land casino. This site can be a real advantage when letters are counted. In fact, the player sitting in this place has more time to count the cards dealt by the dealer to the different players. This position is a great advantage for experienced players.

What does it mean when the dealer “draws out”?

“Draw out” means handing in blackjack parlance means taking another card. When the dealer draws out means that dealt one card, either for himself or for another player who has made “partition”.

Why the dealer asks if I want safe when I have a blackjack and gives me an Ace?

The dealer asks if you want insurance to protect their own blackjack. If you do not take insurance and the dealer also draws a blackjack, you will receive nothing despite his winning hand. Make sure when and only when you have a blackjack. You win the amount of your original bet.

What is the real purpose of the letter of court?

The letter indicates the dealer cut when to change cards. The location of the card in the deck is known as the penetration rate. Two. The first is normally set at 50%, when the cutting unit is placed in the middle of the brand in the “shoe”, and the second at 75%, when the card is placed in the ¾ mark the “shoe” .

If you play online blackjack and live dealer makes a mistake, what should I do?

Whenever possible, you should try to take a screenshot before the next hand is dealt. Then you should contact the customer service of online casino and explain the problem, presenting the screenshot as proof. If the casino accepts that there has been an error, we will compensate accordingly.

Is it possible to see the dealer’s hole card when playing blackjack?

In a standard game of online blackjack it is not possible to see the dealer’s hole card for a virtual game. However, if you play one of the many variants of blackjack, there is a possibility that you can see the dealer’s card if that is one of the elements in that version.

How to cope with bad players at the table?

When you play blackjack in a real casino, the possibility of avoiding bad players at your table is not great. If you are at a table with one of these players, it’s best to simply change tables. In fact, most casinos have several blackjack tables. So do not waste time on a table where its concentration could be affected by the behavior of other players.

Can I get my cards on a blackjack table?

When double deck is used, the player has the opportunity to play their cards, but if the game uses multiple decks of cards, this is not possible. One of the main reasons is that the casinos do not allow players to touch the cards to avoid being tagged.

¿Taxes paid on the profits of a blackjack table?

Actually you are responsible for the profits generated by playing blackjack, so you must pay taxes on the money you earn. Similarly however, you can also deduct your losses. If you do not earn much on a blackjack table, the casino probably will not worry about it.
Are you allowed me to use my mobile phone in the blackjack table?

The use of mobile phones is not allowed in the casinos for the simple reason that you should not have contact off the table. An accomplice may well be hidden behind the dealer and reveal the cards they have for you.

We hope that this FAQ will have provided the answers you was looking for. To help you expand your knowledge of the game even more, then there are some items that are sure you will find extremely useful.

How to choose a variant of Blackjack

There are many versions of blackjack which can often be difficult to know where to start when choosing a variant that suits you. Virtual or real, blackjack is a casino game with more than a dozen variations; however, the basic aim of the game is always the same … Winning the dealer. There are three key elements you need to consider when choosing a version of blackjack to play.

Do your homework first …

When we talked about personal preferences with some friends or other players, we have noted that there is a common theme on how they chose a type of game that suits your needs. It was to read many articles and reviews of different types of games and then experiment with sticking on the reviews. For us this is the first logical step and seems to have worked for them in terms of quickly find a game according to your playing style. It also allowed them not to worry about some versions that were potentially boring for them and left them a long time to get to work with versions of blackjack that love at first sight to finally find your favorite.

Choosing a version of blackjack that suits you

Be really honest with yourself at this point and ask what their true intentions. Do you just want to have fun Want to make money? Although we are sure that everyone shouted emphatically ‘yes’ to these questions, the most important factor to consider is your available budget. Is the threshold is too high compared to what you want to spend in each round? For us it makes no sense to ruin after 3 or 4 rounds when you can play longer with a smaller minimum bet, increasing their experience while playing at the same time also increases the fun factor as a result. Consider these three points very carefully to reach a balanced decision about which version is best for you. In online casinos you can also take into account the factor of what bonds are and what’s available at that time.

Stay cool, variety is the pepper of life.

It is not unusual to find 2 or 3 versions of blackjack that you like and can be useful in the future, and to change between different versions can help maintain interest and make your gaming experience always fun, which is after all, the main reason why you came to play, along with earning all that money you can make your life better, of course. Divide their time between two different versions can increase your chances of winning and you can keep motivated to play and win lots of money again.

Should we take insurance in blackjack?

In our previous article, we explain what are the possible actions at blackjack. Among them was the possibility of taking a “safe”. In that article we detail this point providing a number of response elements.


The term “insurance” means in blackjack a payment option that allows the player to win immunized against a Dealer and more specifically against As-Sota, which hand is the strongest hand in this game. This option is paying in the sense that the player must put on the table half their initial bet in order to reconcile the “safe”.

The player must not use the insurance at any time. So you use this option only when you are in danger, for example, when the dealer takes a jack or an ace.
To show that is taking the safe, the player must pay half their initial bet. Insurance it represents a negligible cost.
When the dealer gets a blackjack, the player loses all bets, but insurance is reimbursed him. At the end the player earns nothing but hurt either.
When the dealer does not get blackjack do in case of victory of the player, the latter lost the insurance but the total of your initial bet pockets.
When the dealer does not get blackjack do in case of defeat of the player, the latter lose your insurance and your bet. This is the worst situation since invested loses everything on the table.

Additional explanations

Insurance is protection against an adverse blackjack. But know that the dealer, even if you have an ace or Sota, has no more than an opportunity to take in ten additional letter.
It is important to consider the value of the cards in blackjack. Actually, sixteen cards have a value of 10 (10 himself, the Jack, Queen, King, all represented by the four different suits). The remaining thirty-six cards have a value other than 10. The chances of rolling a 10 are therefore a 30.77%. The player will gain a lot if you choose an “advantage” (gain would be applied 2-1). The casino has a great advantage.

Concrete example

Looking at the statistics, the player has a 30.77% chance of winning the insurance bet, which leaves a 69.23% chance of losing your bet. Over 100 attempts, the player stands to lose more often than win long term. Let’s say the total insurance bet is 5 €

Operation Net earnings
Calculation of profits 30,77 x (5€ x 2) +307,70€
Loss calculation 69,23 x (5€) -346,15€
Calculation of net profit (-356,15€)-(307,70€) -38,45€


When you decide to take insurance, you should consider your decision a lot. Maybe your intuition guide you to this choice, but if the time comes, make sure you have the means to make this bet is a double-edged sword. Despite appearances, insurance is a very risky bet. Our examples show that the safe bet is to risk losing money in the long term.

Winning Blackjack tournament

Sometimes when an online casino Blackjack tournament announced, players who want to participate are invaded by doubt. Such concerns are not substantiated, because online casinos propose this type of competition at very reasonable prices, and the odds of winning in general, remain the same. The only difficulty for the player is to transition between a single game played against a dealer and a clash involving hundreds, even thousands of participants.

Remember that the odds are the same

In any case, during a game of Blackjack, a defeat will always be followed by a series of victories, and vice versa. When you play against an electronic dealer and participate in a tournament of blackjack the odds are the same. While there are several players around the table, the goal is always to beat the dealer in this case, the random number generator is always running. In addition, the skills acquired by reading our articles are still valid: he has learned to fool the software, and this will be the case in the tournament. Your chances of winning are 50 percent. The appropriate strategy simply will combine their knowledge, behavior adapted to the game. For example if you lose, decrease your bet and if you win, increase it.

Stay away from bad tables

In a blackjack tournament, sometimes you have the ability to choose or tables that you want to play. In this case, do not hesitate to shop around tables in order to verify their rates of pay, and often gain offered to players. Also, if you lose one round after another, you will need to leave the reflection in the table are playing, even if you are stubborn by nature. There are a dozen more tables, Stroll from one to another if necessary, and if not to be disqualified.

Be flexible face reality

Blackjack remains a gamble despite the mathematical theories that have been applied to defeat their tedious towers. Nor should yield to temptation or show irrationality. How many players have lost the gains they have achieved in the course of the game? Greed is useless for a blackjack tournament, it’s a setback. Its aim is positioned as close as possible to first in the final standings. To do this, above all, to avoid losing too much money to stay competitive in the long term.

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